About Me

I'm a Californian (via Germany) who studied Anthropology in college and has always enjoyed a good adventure whether it's five minutes from home or thousands of miles away. I'm easily inspired in by nature and culture and wanted a place to share my excitement about traveling, California, and the simple things I love in life. So, here I write about my own explorations and what inspires me. Mostly, I stay close to home exploring California's mind-bogglingly diverse landscape--geographic and cultural. While I enjoy living in California, I've traveled to and lived in other cities, states, and countries that I enjoy just as much and will be sharing some about those places too. 

You can find some of my past, non-blog, writing here

Welcome and thanks for visiting! 

PS: All photos are by me unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to share them, but link them back to my site. Thank you!

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