Friday, September 28, 2012


Photo by Lyntha Scott Eiler (from the National archives)

It's the Weekend! Woot! My mom is out on Lake Powell (above)--a reservoir on the Arizona-Utah border--where she's spending the weekend on a houseboat as a wedding photographer! I'm sad I couldn't join her for the trip, but I know she'll bring back beautiful photos that I I'll share next week. (Funny fact: the happy couple just found out that since they will be straddling the states' borders, and they will stepping over into Utah the day of their wedding, they'll need a Utah marriage license. So Yesterday they had to hurry off to get a new license!) Also, it's going to be 99 here in NorCal on Sunday. Summer won't quit.

Now for some weekend links to keep you company until next week:

Happy weekend!

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