Wednesday, October 3, 2012


sdfI hope your week is moving along at a good clip--or moving slowly if that's how you prefer it.

I've been seeing a lot of maps (and frankly, hearing too much about iPhone maps) lately and wanted to share some particularly beautiful and playful prints by Michael Tompsett. I came across them on English Muse and agree that they "are so lovely they transcend simply exchanging information." Maps and map art are great because they remind me to keep perspective and are a fun way to reimagine space. I love observing how large the world actually is (continents are not always what they seem), how many other people there are, and how much I have yet to see and learn.

Michael Tompsett

Michael Tompsett

Michael Tompsett

Michael Tompsett
(Michael Tompsett's work on Esty)

 What travel related things have been on your mind these days?

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